
Ashdonk clinic

I understand this is one of the Lymphatic Clinic in Germany. Asdonk Clinic

Le Duc

Le Duc is another school of thought for Manual Lymphatic Drainage. I do not know of anyone trained in Le Duc so I am unable to comment on this. Look up Le Duc UK

Updated 2019: It is now known as Lymphoedema Training Academy

Foldi Clinic Germany

This is one of the reputable Specialist Clinic in Germany for Lymphology.

Professor Foldi. Foeldi klinik or Hospital

Vodder Austria at Walchsee

Bi-annual Dr Vodder Review but in Vodder Austria this time!

Singapore General Hospital Lymphoedema Clinic

Linda trying the Body Composition Analysis InBody 2.0/3.0
Singapore General Hospital is a 1500-bed main public tertiary hospital in Singapore….. 

Check out SGH Physiotherapy Lymphoedema-related assessment equipment.  If you have any clients visiting Singapore and would like to seek their service, please ask your client to bring a doctor’s referral (can be from Australia so that reports can be addressed).  Email Senior Principal Physiotherapist in -charge of lymphoedema Hozaidah Hosain (Vodder-trained) or Lymphoedema Physiotherapist Kou Seow Wei

Infrared Perometry for Upper & Lower Limb (available since 2001)

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