
Lymphoedema Bandaging: Try Coban 2 Layer system

Just completed a workshop for 3M 2-Layer system, originally intended for wound ulcer, to trial use for Lymphoedema.  Different from conventional Multilayer bandaging (Comprilan). To watch video click here

Foeldi Advanced Lymphoedema Course

This was the best advanced refresher I have attended.  Professor Foeldi was on-hand with lectures and participate in our complex case presentations.  Lots of learning with Guenter (Klose Training), too.

International refresher (held in English) at Hinterzarten, Germany.  Click here for more information.


June 20-24 class with Prof. Foeldi


Also, visited Medi at Bayreuth and Bauerfeind (Singapore office) on the way back.  Do you know both have ready-to-wear round-knit garments in 2 lengths and almost 7-8 size options?  And Bauerfeind has the Normal and Plus size for each small/medium sizes and so on?

WA Lymphoedema Therapists meeting Dec 2010


Ros will be the 2011 co-ordinator of Western Australia’s LTSIG.

WA Cancer Lymphoedema Support Group

Contact Denise Berry via email

WA Lymphoedema Therapist Special Interest Group Oct 2010 meeting

Details of the Oct 4 meeting…..
 1/ Introduce your clients to our WA Website created by St Stephen’s School:
2/  Prue Cormie who talked about her Breast research at Vario Institute.  Volunteers’ please contact Prue at Tel: (08) 6304 3418

3/ The Therapist Namelist (Oct 2010) has been updated and is up on my blog under ‘Links’ or click and download here

4/ This is a reminder, pse sign up to be on the National Lymphoedema Practitioners’ Register

5/ Thanks to Julie Richmond who volunteered to be our ALA’s WA rep again.  We appreciate your time and commitment.  Congrats to C Smith for completing all her subjects for her research and thanks to those who helped.

6/ Would appreciate someone volunteering as LTSIG coodinator for 2011 instead.  

7/ Next meeting will be a ‘social’ occasion on 6 Dec (Mon) at 7pm.  Topics and dates for next year will be confirmed then.

Bi-monthly Lymyphoedema Therapist Special Interest Group (LTSIG) meetings: 2010 dates

The Lymphoedema Therapists’ Special Interest Group (WA) meet bi-monthly in Perth. The group attendees include both public and private therapists such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, massage therapists, etc.  It provides a local network of therapists to present, meet and discuss professional issues.
Projected Monday meeting and topics (to be confirmed later) dates in 2010 are:
Feb 1
Apr 12
Jun 14
Aug 2
Oct 4
Dec 6- Christmas and year-end wrap up