Services offered
LK Lymphoedema Centre offers a wide range of services, including compression pump therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, and self management education.
Why choose LK Lymphoedema Centre?
For Peace of Mind, Results and To Learn. Dr Linda Khong, PhD, is a qualified Lymphoedema Physiotherapist and has extensive experience in this area.
Lymphoedema Treatment
Lymphoedema is a form of tissue swelling from insufficient lymph vessels or when the lymphatic system has been affected by injury, trauma, surgery, infection or radiotherapy. The swelling may be in any part of the body but commonly in the legs or arms.
At LK Lymphoedema Centre, we offer an Excellent and Professional Lymphoedema Physiotherapy specially tailored to your individual needs.
Why choose LK Lymphoedema Centre?
Certified Vodder Therapist for Manual Lymphatic Drainage and CDT since 2003. Advanced Level